This Amazing Place is Nang Yuan

Nang Yuan
Nang Yuan translates to “Three Islands” and that basically sums it up. It is three Islands all joined together by a tiny thin stretch of sand. It’s so close to Koh Tao you could actually swim there. Although you could swim there, the amount of boat traffic would make that a little dangerous. So best choice is just rent a longtail boat to zip you over there. It’s really a beautiful Island… or should I say Islands. I’m sure you would recognise the view from the viewpoint. If you do a google image search you will see endless similar photographs from here. However let me tell you although those images look amazing, nothing can compare to being up there and experiencing the breathtaking view with your own eyes.
We took a short stroll down the street just outside our Beachfront villa where there were a bunch of longtails moored. We hat a quick chat with a couple of locals and just like that, we had a longtail rented and off we went to Nang Yuan.
Well, it did not disappoint. This triple pack of Islands is nothing short of stunning. The boat drops you off at the Pier which runs through a pile of huge boulders adorning the waters edge. You pass a little store coming off the Pier where you can grab a cold beer if that is your thing. Hook a left from there and head around to the next island, this is the way to the most epic part of these Islands… the viewpoint. You have to stroll around the outside of the next Island on a wooden platform similar to the pier. At the end of which, you will find the path leading up to the viewpoint. There are plenty of sign so no need to worry about finding your way.
You would possibly have seen many pictures across the internet of the view you are about to experience from the top of this Island. Seeing it for yourself however is unbelievably better. It would make my top 5 viewpoints ever.
Check out the video Below for a little more about this fantastic part of Thailand.